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White supremacy and domestic terrorism prosecution

What's happening now?

The threat of White Supremacy and White Nationalism is finally recognized as the greatest domestic threat to the United States.

This violence is not only directed towards Black and Brown communities and religious minorities (‘Unite the Right rally’, 2017), but also towards our elected officials (Capitol Insurrection, 2021).  Despite overwhelming evidence identifying White Supremacy as the greatest domestic threat, government agencies and law enforcement disproportionately target, surveil and harass Muslim Americans and Black and Brown communities under the flag of countering domestic extremism programs.

“Among DVEs, racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists — specifically white supremacist extremists  will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland.”  DHS, Homeland Threat Assessment (October 2020)

Additionally, despite these findings and clear cut statutory definitions of domestic terrorism, White Supremacists, along with most White perpetrators who commit violent hate crimes, continue to avoid the 51 statutory ‘Federal Terrorism Charges’ and statutes that pose penalties under acts of domestic terrorism, which is nearly never the case for Muslim Americans. 


(Updated 12/29/2021) Sponsorship: 204 in House & 2 in Senate. 


Note – progress is based on (1) co-sponsorship of bill by members of Congress, (2) passage of bill through either the House (45%) or Senate (45%), and (3) finally being signed by the president (10%).