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April 22, 2021

Emgage Action Statement on Biden Administration’s Refugee Admissions Policy

Emgage is dismayed by the Biden Administration’s apparent wavering on its campaign promise to admit at least 62,500 refugees this fiscal year. On April 16, the White House announced that it will keep the historic-low refugee admissions cap of 15,000 that Trump had set.  Following public outcry, the White House backtracked and announced that it would release higher admission targets by May 15.

The President should honor his commitment to the American people because it is within our current capacity to admit the original number that was promised, and because it is the right thing to do. We have all witnessed how refugees suffered under the Trump administration and further delays in raising the refugee cap will have consequnces on people who are at risk. 

We can do better and we urge the administration to keep its promise.