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November 7, 2020

Muslim Vote Played Crucial Role in Biden Victory

November 7, 2020

Muslim Vote Played Crucial Role in Biden Victory

Emgage Action congratulates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their victory as well as the Muslim American community that has voted in record number in these elections. According to data received from the field thus far, Muslim American voters played an important role in shaping the outcome of these elections, especially in battleground states such as Michigan and Pennsylvania. 

According to data released by 12 state electoral authorities and filtered by Emgage for likely Muslim voters, over 800,000 Muslim Americans have voted in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, Arizona, Wisconsin,Texas, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Ohio, and North Carolina. These figures are projected to increase as data is finalized. 

Country-wide efforts to mobilize Muslim voters, especially the Million Muslim Votes campaign, played an important role in mobilizing a community that has been targeted and scapegoated by the Trump administration. During the course of this campaign season Emgage and partner organizations made over 1.8 million calls and sent over 2 million text messages in support of the largest Muslim get out the vote effort to date.  

“We are exceedingly proud of how our community responded to the Trump administration’s assault on our democracy and values. There is much work to be done together and we are excited to get started. But today, we celebrate this incredible victory.” – Wa’el Alzayat, CEO of Emgage Action

Emgage Action is a Muslim civic advocacy organization, with national headquarters in Washington, D.C., and state chapters in Michigan, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and New York.