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July 31, 2018

[PRESS RELEASE] Emgage Action Applauds Congressional decision to pass H.Res. 257


31 July, 2018

Emgage Action Applauds Congressional Decision to Pass H.Res. 257

Washington, D.C. – Emgage Action, a national issue advocacy organization for Muslim Americans, applauds Congress for taking a vital step in protecting Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, African Americans and other vulnerable minority groups against the alarming rise in hate crimes by passing House Resolution 257 “Condemning hate crime and any other form of racism, religious or ethnic bias, discrimination, incitement to violence, or animus targeting a minority in the United States.”

With the passage of companion Senate Resolution 118 last year, Congress has finally recognized the need to combat the rise in hate crimes and for federal agencies to work closely with state and local authorities to properly investigate these crimes.

Emgage Action has lead the effort on Capitol Hill in advocating for anti-hate crime legislation.  Recent reports have shown that Muslim Americans have experienced the fastest growth rate of hate crimes from 2014 to 2016 compared to any other group. The resolution specifically cites reports from 2015 showing that hate crimes targeting Muslims in the United States increased by 67 percent, which is a level s not experienced since the aftermath of September 11.  

The non-binding resolution encourages law enforcement officials to thoroughly investigate all hate-motivated crimes. Moreover, it requests that the Department of Justice and other federal agencies improve the reporting of hate crimes and to emphasize the importance of the agencies’ collection and reporting of data pursuant to federal law. Lastly in an effort to address and prevent hate crimes, it concludes with a request to develop an interagency task force led by the Attorney General and appropriate federal agencies to develop effective strategies and efforts to detect and deter hate crime in order to protect minority communities.  

H.Res. 257 sponsor, Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (R-VA-10), announced, “We stand united against such violence and discrimination and encourage law enforcement at all levels to work together to curb these actions.” Emgage Action is grateful for the efforts of our members of Congress to affirm that the they remain united in condemning hate and violence in all forms.



For more information, contact Iman Awad at