June 28, 2018
Washington D.C. – Emgage Action is greatly disappointed by today’s Supreme Court 5-4 decision in favor of the Trump Administration’s Muslim Ban. This decision is, simply put, is a threat to religious liberty in our country and to our values of tolerance and freedom.
This ruling, like the decision to place Japanese-Americans in internment camps simply because of their ethnicity is once again on the wrong side of history. The decision to bar citizens of five predominantly Muslim countries has little to do with national security and everything to do with bigotry and xenophobia.
Make no mistake, this is a Muslim Ban. Donald Trump himself called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” during his campaign. And he has delivered on his promise.
That does not mean that the fight is over. Here’s what you can still do:
Over 80 organizations, including Emgage Action, have planned a rally in front of the Supreme Court today to protest the unjust decision. Find out more here.
There are protests happening nation-wide so you can make your voice heard, even if you are unable to attend the rally at the Supreme Court. Click here to find a protest near you.
Challenge your members of Congress and let them know exactly how disappointed you are. They must hold this Administration accountable. Call the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121.
Consider donating to Emgage Action so we can continue to fight back and to help mobilize voters for the upcoming midterm elections and 2020. Our rights will only be guaranteed if we vote!
Although this decision was a major setback for the Muslim American community, it does not mean we are entirely powerless.
The barrage of vitriol in the form of tweets, remarks, nominations, and actions from this Administration should have been enough to prove Trump’s animosity towards Muslims. But the narrow decision of 5-4 to uphold the Muslim Ban shows that we still have an uphill battle ahead of us.
As proud Americans, we stand for religious freedoms for all people, no exceptions. And because of this, the decision today is of the utmost importance. Banning a group of vulnerable persons based on their religious identity is not only against the very basis of our constitution, but also against our common humanity.
For more information, contact Emgage Action’s Legislative Director, Iman Awad, as