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April 12, 2018

[PRESS RELEASE] Emgage Action to Host Annual Capitol Hill Day in Washington, D.C.

For Immediate Release

Washington, D.C.

April 12, 2018

Emgage Action to Host Annual Capitol Hill Day in Washington, D.C.

[PRESS RELEASE] Washington, D.C. – Emgage Action is scheduled to host its annual Hill Day on Capitol Hill this May 6-7, 2018, providing leaders and activists the opportunity to engage with elected officials and become involved in the political process. We will be bringing leaders from across the nation for a day of action against hate crimes and human rights abuses.  The theme for this year’s Hill Day is Upholding Our Values: A Commitment to Tolerance and will focus on H.R. 4223 (The Burma Act), H.R. 1730 (Protecting Religiously Affiliated Institutions Act), and immigration reform.

“In order to effectively uphold our American values we must be engaged with our legislators and be civically active in a way our voices are heard,” Emgage Action CEO, Wa’el Alzayat said. “Additionally, whether its advocating for the Rohingya people abroad, promoting anti-hate crime legislation domestically, or protective the rights of our immigration communities, we have a commitment to tolerance and human rights for all.”

On May 6, Emgage Action will hold a Policy conference, where our distinguished speakers will provide insight into Emgage Action’s day of action. The Policy Conference will be held at the Phoenix Park Hotel, 520 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC 20001, from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. During the conference, our speakers will discuss the ongoing genocide in Burma in addition to the implications of H.R. 4223. They will also speak about the Anti-Hate Crime legislation that has been introduced in the House and how communities can engage with law enforcement and officials to stem the rising trend of hate crimes. Confirmed speakers include: Marcus Goodwin who is running for D.C. City Council, Eric Treene, Special Counsel for Religious Discrimination Civil Rights Division, Paul Monteiro, former advisor to the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Simon Billenness, Executive Director of the International Campaign for the Rohingya (ICR).

Hill Day will be held on May 7, which will commence in Rayburn House Office Building in room 2044. The rise in hate crimes against Muslim Americans and other minority communities is a cause for concern and prompts the immediate need for Congress to address this troubling trend; as such, Emgage Action is pushing for H.R. 1730, which clarifies current laws against damaging religious property and protecting religious freedoms. Emgage Action is also a strong proponent of H.R. 4223, which highlights the genocide occurring at the hands of the Burmese military against the Rohingya and other ethnic minorities. It also calls upon the U.S. to sanction the military and protect the Rohingya from involuntary repatriation and further abuse.

Last year, Emgage Action, along with over fifty community advocates, met with more than seventy Congressional offices. This year, we aim to meet with even more offices and provide attendees the opportunity to learn about Emgage Action’s lobbying efforts. To get your voice heard on the Hill, please click here to attend Emgage Action’s Hill Day.


Emgage Action is a 501 c(4) that mobilizes Muslim Americans to engage on local, state, and national issues in pursuit of a more equal, just, and prosperous society.   

For more information, please contact or You can also visit our website at